Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Want to blog but don't know where to begin? Of course, there is a bewildering array of jargon that you will encounter on the way to establishing your own corner on the web, but here's a link that will tell what the Ten Commandments (?!!) of blogging are. Instapundit, a blogging sage pointed me there. Incidentally, it was India Uncut, who pointed me to Instapundit in the first place! So if you have the time, just check his blog out as well, it's cooo.

Needless to say, I will be tinkering with the templates of cosmicdebris now. There's a fair bit for slightly advanced bloggers as well.


smoke said...

*breathless anticipation*

HRV said...

i'll probably need YOUR help as well!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cosmic!

Just found you in my referrers - no email?? Just lurking around taking a look at your posts. Lots of intriguing stuff here. Funny, I've been reading the novel A Passage to India in the evenings and thinking of India. I can't afford to visit India but hope someday I will. It's a dream. But with the help of the internet and great literature and art I can at least imagine... or virtually experience. Thanks for your part ... :-)

Anonymous said...

PS - Instapundit is *very* conservative. May I offer an alternative? The true god of blogging is Joichi Ito:


Everything you ever wanted to know about blogging and more. Also, Joi has been interviewed by all the best NYT, Guardian, Herald Tribune, Time... and his politics are more nuanced than Instapundit (who can be pitbull like in his sensibility sometimes... why I don't link to him).