Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Sting Operations

Yet another sting operation. There's something vaguely disquieting about the way tv journalism in India is headed. Why so? After all, footage of cops accepting bribes on hidden camera cannot be a bad thing; we're only exposing the rot in our society. I suppose the danger is in letting the whole thing go too far when such stories are used to further the channels own interests, like for example the -Shakti Kapoor episode.

Thoughts, anyone?


smoke said...

God after that whole saga yesterday my mind is a complete blank. But I did think it was an excellent story.

Anonymous said...

Well it was a good story for sure...though the cops i'm sure a baying for revenge!

that wasn't the point anyway!

Deep said...

The trick to a sting operation I guess lies in, as you pointed out, the motive. That and only that can justify the exercise. Tehelka was a hit because it exposed wrongdoing with public money. The Shakti Kapoor one was a flop because there was no public aspect involved. No public money, no public security, no public office!

And if you look from that aspect, this latest sting wins, for it is about public security!

By the way... your posts on your profession sound a little pedantic and cynical... are you getting disillusioned? Might not be a good idea, you know...

Take care

Anonymous said...

Cynical, but not disillusioned!
heard you're in bombay now...that too with my favourite organisation..enjoy!